Symposium in Oceanography - Bridging Ocean and Atmosphere: Dynamics and Ecosystem Interactions

ד', 28/05/202509:30-15:00
Institute of Earth Sciences, Givat Ram, Jerusalem


Symposium in Oceanography 

Bridging Ocean and Atmosphere: Dynamics and Ecosystem Interactions


The HUJI institute of Earth Sciences, together with IAAS, the Israeli Association for Aquatic Sciences, are hosting a symposium on: ocean dynamics, ecology, and air sea interaction. 

The symposium will take place on May 28th at the HUJI institute of Earth Sciences. 

Participation is free, but requires email registration.  

We have a line of invited talks, as detailed in the attached flyer. 

Submission is still open and encouraged to the scientific posters hour.

Please send registration emails and/or abstracts (up to one page) to: