IES Seminar - Cenozoic climate: it is not all about weathering ד', 19/03/202511:00-12:00מיקום: חדר 102הוספה ליומןOutlook Google
IES Seminar - Introducing an Archaeomagnetic Dating Tool for the Levant: Biblical Military Campaigns as a Case Study ב', 10/03/202511:00-12:00מיקום: חדר 102
IES Seminar -Paleoclimate Evidence of Significant Aridity in the Interglacial Eastern Mediterranean Helps Understand Ongoing and Model Projected Eastern Mediterranean Drying ד', 19/02/202511:00-12:00מיקום: חדר 102
IES Seminar - The Dustosphere: Exploring Microbial Activity, Survival, and Their Role in Global Processes During Dust Storms ד', 29/01/202511:00-12:00מיקום: חדר 102
IES Seminar - The volcanic soils of the Golan Heights- new perspectives ד', 15/01/202511:00-12:00מיקום: חדר 102
IES Seminar - Formation History of Lithospheric and Sub-Lithospheric Diamonds from the Voorspoed Mine, South Africa ד', 08/01/202511:00-12:00מיקום: חדר 102
IES Seminar - Regulation of hydrothermal vent contribution to ocean chemistry by hydrothermally influenced sediments ד', 01/01/202511:00-12:00מיקום: חדר 102
IES Seminar- The Seismic Signature of Precursory Mobilization Leading to the October 7 Terrorist Attack ד', 18/12/202411:00-12:00מיקום: חדר 102
IES Seminar - Geochemical Characterization of Primary Producers and Organic Matter Preservation Following the Cretaceous-Paleogene Mass Extinction at the Southern Tethys ד', 11/12/202411:00-12:00מיקום: חדר 102
IES Seminar - Large scale circulation adjustments to aerosol-cloud interactions and its radiative effect ד', 27/11/202411:00-12:00מיקום: Class 102
IES Seminar- Viscosity of Crystal-Mushes and Implications for Compaction-Driven Fluid Flow ד', 13/11/202411:00-12:00מיקום: חדר 102
IES Seminar - The role of a diluted buoyant plume on the dynamics of a deep hypersaline water body: From evaporation to evaporites ד', 17/07/202411:00-12:00מיקום: חדר 102