Exploring the bigger picture: Identifying hydroclimate coherence in time-uncertain Australian palaeoclimate records ד', 26/12/201810:00-11:10מיקום: 109
Physical processes in clouds and cloud modeling-presentation of a new book ד', 19/12/201810:00-11:00מיקום: 109
The Downward Influence of Sudden Stratospheric Warmings: Insight using a Chemistry-Climate Model and an Idealised GCM ה', 10/01/201912:00-13:00מיקום: 102
Deformation and uplift of the Santa Lucia Range, Coastal Ranges, California ה', 27/12/201812:00-13:00מיקום: 102
The Effects of Sea Spray on Deep Mixed-Phase Convective Clouds and Intensity of Hurricanes ה', 20/12/201812:00-13:00מיקום: 102
Effective proposal preparation: perspectives from a NSF program officer 11 AM 22/11/2019 ה', 22/11/201811:00-12:00מיקום: 101
Life through the Proterozoic: quantifying the productivity of the ancient biosphere through triple oxygen isotopes ד', 14/11/201810:00-11:00
The Downward Influence of Sudden Stratospheric Warmings: Insight using a Chemistry-Climate Model and an Idealised GCM ה', 17/01/2019
Quantum hydrodynamics - Reynolds stress in Schrödinger’s equation - and what does (might) it mean? ה', 29/11/2018
A nation-wide analysis of tree mortality under climate change: forest loss and its causes in Israel 1948-2017 ה', 15/11/2018