IES Seminar - Introducing an Archaeomagnetic Dating Tool for the Levant: Biblical Military Campaigns as a Case Study ב', 10/03/202511:00-12:00מיקום: חדר 102
IES Seminar -Paleoclimate Evidence of Significant Aridity in the Interglacial Eastern Mediterranean Helps Understand Ongoing and Model Projected Eastern Mediterranean Drying ד', 19/02/202511:00-12:00מיקום: חדר 102
IES Seminar - The Dustosphere: Exploring Microbial Activity, Survival, and Their Role in Global Processes During Dust Storms ד', 29/01/202511:00-12:00מיקום: חדר 102
פאנל סביבה בעולם משתנה - "החיים בזבל" א', 26/01/202518:30-20:30מיקום: מרפסת מוסללה - בניין כלל קומה 7 , ירושלים
CAO Seminar - Directed astronaut observations of thunderstorms and TLEs from the ISS in the ILAN-ES campaigns during the AX-1 and AX-3 missions ה', 23/01/202511:00-12:00מיקום: חדר 102
CAO Seminar - The role of anthropogenic emissions in historic large-scale atmospheric flow changes ה', 16/01/202511:00-12:00מיקום: חדר 102
IES Seminar - The volcanic soils of the Golan Heights- new perspectives ד', 15/01/202511:00-12:00מיקום: חדר 102
CAO Seminar - Studying and Modeling Ocean Surface Boundary Layer Turbulence Using Physics-based and Machine Learning Approaches ה', 09/01/202515:00-16:00מיקום: Online Zoom
IES Seminar - Formation History of Lithospheric and Sub-Lithospheric Diamonds from the Voorspoed Mine, South Africa ד', 08/01/202511:00-12:00מיקום: חדר 102